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Our Story

Elevated Influence Co. was born from the need to simplify growth. We saw businesses struggling with disconnected strategies across marketing, sales, and recruitment. Our solution? An integrated approach that aligns these crucial areas for long-term, sustainable growth.

Our Mission

Our mission is simple: to help businesses thrive by bringing together the right people with the right strategy.

What We Do Differently

We’re more than consultants. We’re problem solvers, connectors, and strategists who combine marketing execution, sales strategy, and elite recruiting into a streamlined approach that drives measurable success. Whether you need to strengthen your brand, attract top sales and marketing talent, or refine your growth strategy, we create solutions that make an immediate and lasting impact.

Meet the Founder.

With almost a decade of experience in marketing, recruiting, and B2B sales, Jasmine specializes in identifying and enhancing your team's unique strengths in the industry. Her mission is to unlock new growth opportunities by elevating your brand and amplifying your market influence. 

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Jasmine Weber

With a strong talent for sales, digital, and operational leadership, she has made a significant impact for brands over the years and most recently as the Director of Marketing and Executive Recruiting for a staffing and search group. Jasmine excels at implementing cutting-edge AI tools, developing engaging marketing plans, and creating attention-grabbing ad strategies that drive results. She is passionate about community engagement and enhancing personal brands through compelling thought leadership, video marketing, and creative initiatives!

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